Sunday, March 4, 2012

Note Taking Strategy

Eric and Nick both used the Plug-It-In technique for our Astronomy104 class. There are a lot of lecture notes that pertain to stars, planets, asteroids, and other terrestrial features. Therefore, every time we learn about a new outer space object, we both found it helpful to draw a picture of it and potentially a diagram to help point out important structural features. For example, we recently learned about Earth’s orbit around the sun, and how the Earth tilts as it rotates. The earth’s tilting rotation is what makes certain parts of the earth bright or dark at certain times. Because of this complex system, Eric drew an intricate illustration under my notes, explaining how the Earth tilts, rotates, and moves including arrows and other directional lines. With our midterm coming up this week, we both found this note taking strategy effective. It allowed us to get a better understanding of some of the concepts that will be covered on this test. Nick also used this strategy for his PHI 107 class that he has an upcoming test in. He found it effective because it helped him gather more information to support his arguments on the task at hand. Lastly, Max used the plug in technique for HST 102. His upcoming midterm is his first test of the semester so he found this strategy effective because it helped break down large amount of information that will be covered on his exam.

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