Sunday, April 8, 2012


Procrastination is the biggest obstacle for college students. With so many friends and activities consistently surrounding you, it is extremely easy to get distracted and shy away from your work. Schoolwork is very intimidating; especially for young college adults/teenagers who are not fully mature yet. Because of this, some tend to avoid these looming responsibilities of studying and gravitate towards unproductive activities. They use this course of action as a coping mechanism. This helps them clear their mind and minimizing the significance of the work they have to do. This makes the student feel better and more comfortable, but this results in them having to “cram” their work in if they actually plan on turning it in. It is much better to manage your time wisely. There is plenty of time for extracurricular activities in college, but you should always be planning ahead and segregating time for work in order to be a well performing student. Therefore we decided to use the target planner and chunking the task to help us study for upcoming AST 104 exam. We found it effective because it prevented us from putting the studying off till the very last minute.

-Nick and Eric

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